Daily activities light to heavy

Walking 2mph/3kph, Bowling, Classic dancing, Tai chi, Canoeing

Bicycling < 10mph/16kph, Volleyball, Golfing carrying clubs, Skiing downhill, Walking 3.5mph/5kph

Light aerobics, Resistance (weight) training, Softball or baseball, Aerobics water, Swimming laps, Hiking, Rowing stationary, Water Skiing

Cross-country skiing, Backpacking, Ice skating, Racquetball, Heavy Aerobics, Rollerblading

Basketball game, Football touch or flag, Tennis singles, Running 5mph/8kph, Stair treadmill

Tae kwon do, Rope jumping, Running 8mph/13kph


It is the sum of the energy needed for active movement throughout the day, including breathing, digestion .... There are many types of physical activity and sports. Some are more physically demanding, some are not demanding. The calculator shows how many minutes you spend with different activities. The calculator calculates the result in calories. Active metabolic rate is the sum of calories needed by your body per day.

What is the difference between AMR and BMR?

BMR - Basal metaboli rate
AMR - Active metabolic rate

BMR is just the sum of the basic energy needed to run your body without any other physical or mental activity. More information about BMR can be found here. AMR is BMR plus your daily activity. If you have a simple office job or you work from home to recalculate your energy expenditure, BMR is enough for you. If you exercise on some days, you can add AMR for those days. If you exercise regularly, use the AMR calculator.

How to use AMR value?

With AMR, you can gain control of your own weight. If you exercise or do any physical or mental activity on a daily basis, add up your AMR. It's the sum of the calories your body needs for the whole day. Working with AMR is easy - if you add less calories to your body, you will lose weight, if you add more calories to your body, you will gain weight.

If you want to lose weight it is recommended to reduce the number calories per day by 15% as your AMR. CAUTION - This reduction cannot be long-term. You can seriously damage your health. Limit calories to just reach a few initial kilograms. Then recalculate your AMR. It's always a good idea to consult an expert who can advise you.

The composition of the diet is not only about calories, but also about the individual ratios between fats, sugars and proteins. This is exactly what nutritional experts do.

How to use BMR value?

[Calories you eat] = [Calories that burn your body] = [NO CHANGE]
Calories you eat = Calories that burn your body = NO CHANGE
[Calories you eat] > [Calories that burn your body] = [GAIN WEIGHT]
Calories you eat > Calories that burn your body = GAIN WEIGHT
[Calories you eat] < [Calories that burn your body] = [LOSE WEIGHT]
Calories you eat < Calories that burn your body = LOSE WEIGHT
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